As COVID-19 vaccinations begin across the country, the Quality Corner Show was able to interview Betsy Elswick, PharmD, Clinical Associate Professor at West Virginia University School of Pharmacy about Covid-19 vaccine administration to long-term care patients on December 22, 2020.
Elswick stated that after 3 days of their COVID-19 vaccination program, 14 local pharmacies in West Virginia were able to administer 5500 doses of vaccine to more than 40 nursing homes or long-term facilities. As a state, West Virginia had highest administration rate of allocated doses of any state in the U.S. and administered over 15,000 shots of the Pfizer vaccine as of 12/21/2020 (that’s including hospital, nursing home and long-term care facilities.)
Listen to the the full interview with Elswick in the podcast episode below.
Email Contact: Betsy Elswick, PharmD