Maximize your pharmacy revenue in 2025 by leveraging every aspect of EQUIPP® data and programs in the platform. Let’s go over a quick list of three keys to success, revenue opportunities for 2025, and talk strategy for you and your pharmacy team.
Three Key Priorities for Success
- Activate EQUIPP Access- Ensure every pharmacy team member has individual login credentials. Please contact your PSAO for onboarding and review your pharmacy’s credentials. If you are an independent without access or unsure if you already do have access to EQUIPP, contact PQS directly for onboarding assistance at [email protected].
- Understand Performance Data and Attributed Patients- Review monthly updated performance scores in EQUIPP for each quality measure tile. Start with the three main adherence measures; Cholesterol PDC, RASA PDC and Diabetes PDC. Evaluate the patients qualifying for these quality measures and create a plan to maintain their adherence throughout the year. Performance data updates in EQUIPP occur on the second Friday of each month.
- Explore Program Availability- Identify enhanced service programs specific to your pharmacy. These programs will become more prominent as the year progresses. Recognize patient opportunities based on health plan partnerships and engage with these patients, help close gaps in care, and earn revenue in the process.
Where to Look in EQUIPP
New revenue programs will be available in Enhanced Services and through “My Programs” tabs in 2025. Make sure to review both tabs in EQUIPP. Each pharmacy may have different opportunities depending on which health plans they work with and the patient data involved.
“My Programs”
Additional health plans are participating in EQUIPP “My Programs” in 2025 to provide transparency and earning potential for participating pharmacies.
To access “My Programs,” select the dollar sign page icon on the left navigation bar. Existing programs will be listed in this view. Note that 2024’s full calendar year results will be available with the February EQUIPP refresh. Some pharmacies may already have a program display available for 2025 and others will be forthcoming this calendar year.
Enhanced Services Programs
Four key programs to monitor:
- Longitudinal Adherence Monitoring Program (LAMP)- Pharmacies must fill for the patient based on measure and available intervention. Documentation is required for bonus payment and an additional dollar amount is available for patients who achieve adherence.
- Controlling Blood Pressure- Patients who receive an electronic blood pressure reading in the pharmacy will result in an incentive payment.
- Hemoglobin A1C Testing- Pharmacies who are CLIA waived can capture an A1c reading for eligible pharmacies and should document the values within EQUIPP to earn a bonus.
- Pay for Performance- Health-plan and state-specific adherence program where eligible pharmacies receive a bonus for documenting up to four (4) check-ins and an additional bonus when patients meet adherence by year-end.
Strategic Recommendations
Establish Your Goals
It is most likely that you have access to EQUIPP already. If you want to take advantage of the revenue opportunities, please log in to EQUIPP at equipp.pharmacyquality.com. If you do not currently have a login or are unsure of your next steps in gaining access, please contact our support team at [email protected].
P.A.C.E. Yourself
Plan when to login by setting a consistent calendar and review schedule. Make sure to set a date whether it’s the second Friday of every month when the data updates or every Friday, just so you can get into the cadence of regularly checking. Take Action on the data. Establish patient-level plans to help your community reach their desired health outcomes. Communicate your goals with your staff, and Engage proactively with the patient data.
Review 2024 Results
Use previous year’s performance as a baseline for 2025. Identify areas for improvement for quality measure performance, and set ambitious but achievable goals.
Generate Revenue for Your Pharmacy in 2025
It’s a new year, and there are new ways to earn money through EQUIPP. Familiarize yourself with the programs available to your pharmacy and get your staff involved.
- Request an EQUIPP Dashboard Demo.
- Sign up for the EQUIPP Text Messaging Program for notifications about patient opportunities in Enhanced Services.
Stay informed, be proactive, and maximize your pharmacy’s potential in 2025!